Tiger and Bunny live viewing @ Shinjuku

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It's been 5 days since the event and I'm not sure if I can remember every single detail, but I will try to share as much as my memory allows!

I had wanted to sleep till 9pm and save my energy for the all-nighter and Tokyo Game Show the next day, but I hadn't prepared for my shoot in the morning so I sacrificed about 2 hours of sleep :X

The event is set to start at 12am so soujou and I met up about 1hr before hand.
We got a pleasant surprise when we got to the the cinema!! All the posters on the outside were changed to T&B just for the night! xD

We are to be told later on during the event that all of the 9 screens in this cinema were made to screen T&B xD And to think that at first they only planned for 2 screens... T&B really hi-jacked the whole building ^v^ I heard that they opened more cinemas around the country for the live-viewing of the event after the tickets sold out twice, adding up to a total of 46 screens country-wide and involving about 22,000 fans.

There was a long queue spanning two floors for the T&B goods, but we figured that they would probably sell it at Animate so we gave up on queuing.
Upon entering the theatre, we were each given a postcard depicting a scene in the last episode! The name of the event is "Arigatou, soshite arigatou!" xD How cute~

Sorry for looking so sloppy lol. We are both wearing our T&B Tshirts btw! XD I look like I'm heading for a baseball game in the cap and jacket lol.
I always watch T&B every week in the comforts of my room, so I decided to dress such that I can watch T&B comfortably lol. Forego contacts cuz there is a shoot and TGS waiting for me the next day and didn't want to tire out my eyes ^^;

We are lucky enough to get seats quite in the centre of the whole cinema. They were playing PVs of the OPs and EDs, as well as CMs for T&B related goods before the start of the event. When the songs came on, it was a mini karaoke session for soujou and I xD. Revising the lyrics again made me realise how right the songs are for the anime ><.

The session opened with OzakiP coming in to give greetings and thanks to the audience. He wore a hunting hat, vest on top of shirt, and pants, fashion that completely copies Kotetsu's xD He claims that all those came from his personal closet xD

Next, the guests of the day are introduced!!! Hirata Hiroaki(Kotetsu/Wild Tiger) and Yusa Kouji(Yuri/Lunatic) comes on stage! *cues screaming from fans*
Hirata-san was hugging a huge Bunny plushie! Hirata had on the Hero wrist ban, and he clasped Bunny's colour on the plushie too xDDD So cute!!
Hirata-san introduced himself as "the one who died, Kotetsu" "the one with short eyelashes, Kotetsu" while Yusa-san introduced himself as "Lunatic, who has more screen time in the first half than in the second half".
This was when they told us how many cinemas were hi-jacked for the T&B event. Hirata-san even said it was crazy that all 9 screens in the same building were all showing the same footage but only the people in screen 9 were lucky enough to see the seiyuus in person xD

Bunny's seiyuu Morita Masakazu had pre-recorded a message to be screened because he happens to be in Kouchi during this weekend and couldn't be here personally. And to show that he is sorry for not being able to make it, he wore bunny ears he paid for from his own pocket xD For that time span, he really became Banita Banikazu xD. And he talked for very long O_O

Banita's video finally ends . Just as they were about to end the seiyuu talk session with "arigatou, soshite arigatou!", you hear skyhigh's voice through the PA system, "that is one line that I want to say!" *cues screaming and confusion from fans*
We weren't told that Inoue Gou (Keith/Sky High) was appearing for the event, so when he came on out from the curtains, I believe theatres around the country went crazy xDDDD I myself was clapping and screaming!! Inoue-sannnn!!!! Sky-high sannn!!!! KOH-samaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
He's so so so so so cute!!!! I think cuz Hirata and Yusa are like more senior in the seiyuu world, and Inoue is comparatively younger? So you could see that he was trying hard to keep calm >v<
He said that he really wanted to come for the final viewing event, and only then did the staff agree to let him come on.
Inoue told people who were watching that he is going to take part in the pre-order war for SkyHigh's figurine LOL. Why can't he just ask SHFigurearts for one, or do they not provide staff with such goodies? ;v; I feel that they should totally give the staff each one of their favourite hero figurines!
The three seiyuus proceeded to give their thanks to fans who have supported them so far. Inoue's voice was shaky and you could tell that there were tears welling up in his eyes ;_; The camera then cuts to Yusa-san, but from the corner you can see Inoue removing his glasses and wiping at his eyes. I wonder if anyone watching in screen 9 can confirm if he was really crying?

Can't really remember clearly but I think after the seiyuu-talk, either some staff came on to talk, or we were showed some videos... I think it's the former.
The screen then cuts to Hirata and Yusa in a white room, talking about the stuff that T&B hasn't covered:
- Tiger's abilities
- Bunny's abilities (why is it similar to Tiger's and also the time limit?)
- Lunatic's role
- Kaede's magnetic powers
- Ouroboros etc etc.
Halfway through, due to technical malfunctions, the camera that was supposed to be screening the seiyuus talking in the room got over-taken by T&B CMs, and a while later even their voices got taken over by the soundtrack of the CMs lol. I got a little pissed off because well we paid to come here what the seiyuus had to share, and such things had to happen >A<

Episode 24 was shown at 1am. Haa.... It was really super watching T&B on the huge screen, listening to the epic BGM and sound fx on blasting through cinema speakers. *_* Every single detail!!! What was most amazing was watching T&B in comfortable cinema seats, surrounded by fellow fans, and knowing that there are 22000 other crazy fans like me who are willing to pay for this event, sharing the same time and 感動 at the same moment lol.

I had almost forgotten about being pissed, but after ep 24 ended, OzakiP came on and bowed deeply, giving his apologies for the technical malfunction earlier on. Well it is their first time holding such an event so I can't blame them either I guess.
In the end the whole malfunction was shaken off as a joke that all our memories had been "Mavericked" (マベられた), that's why we do not remember what Hirata and Yusa said xD what a convenient term, "mavericked".

This time round a total of 6 staff were invited on to talk about the show - Ozaki producer, Satou director, Nishida scriptwriter, another male producer, a female producer under Bandai, and Katsura Masakazu (mangaka + character designer for T&B).
The whole production team was rather young and that caught me by surprise. Especially Nishida.
I can't remember every single tidbit they said. I'll write them down in point form and maybe add on in the future if I recall them.
- T&B idea came up about 2 years ago.
- The idea of an ojisan with a kid as the main character was very unwelcome by the higher-ups, and they were told to not go ahead with the idea. (Thankfully the female producer liked the idea and pushed for them to go ahead with the idea. The idea of a single dad as kakkoii as Kotetsu is rather enticing to fans though ;P)
- They put quite a lot of effort in the BGM, that's why they all sound like something that would come out of a movie xD Really love the BGMs... I don't know why but I feel my heart swelling up with pride whenever I hear the cool battle BGMs.
- Nishida had wanted always wanted to write a story with 5 heroes, but since he took up T&B he says he might give up on that idea.
- Karina is modeled to be a Scandinavian (thus the ice element).
- KatsuraM seems rather strong-willed, from the way he talks. He says when the project was brought up to him, he had expected to be asked to draw girls, so designing guys and hero suits was a rather new challenge.
- The title they came up with was originally "Busty & Bunny". Thank goodness the female producer found out what Busty means in English and led to a change of series title lol. LMAO busty ROFL.
- Someone wanted to include an image of a Japanese katana, so they used the name of one of the katanas "Kotetsu" and put kanjis to it.
- When questioned why Tiger's suit is white + yellowgreen, instead of yellow+brown like a Tiger's, KatsuraM didn't really answer very clearly. I think he said something like he likes the colour yellowgreen. OzakiP said they did try out a few other colour combinations for Wild Tiger but it was eventually settled on the current colour combination. To know more about the character designs, look out for KatsuraM's sketch/design collection to be released soon!
- OzakiP had to fly to Japan Expo in France just to get Origami and Dragon Kid's hero suit designs cuz they were running short of time and Katsura-sensei is to busy to draw. I wonder why they never thought of using scanning and e-mailing. But I guess it's always better to have the original designs at hand huh.
- Seems like KatsuraM was given very little info to base his designs on? He sounded rather furious? irritated? at some points of the talk, and claims that there are stuff that he hasn't heard before.
- KatsuraM wasn't too pleased with how Kotetsu turned out too I think... he says someone like Kotetsu isn't as ojisan as he had imagined him to be :/ Which I have to agree... Cuz an ojisan would be someone who is about 8-10 years older... I guess Kotetsu is just a rather dandy young dad ^^;
- KatsuraM still has work waiting for him even though the anime staff can take some time off to rest. I hear he will be designing the cover for the box-set of dvds/bds to be released in january!!

We were supposed to countdown to the start of episode 25 a little past 2am, but the timing got screwed up and it was like "10..9...5...GO!" xDDD
I'll be writing about my reactions to ep 25~ So if you wanna skip go ahead ^^

- kotetsu wake up ;_;
- almost lost hope when they released a huge number of black prawn tigers.
- origami calling "bison-san"!!! kawaiiii
- blue rose saving dragon kid!!! it renewed my respect for blue rose totally.. she's such a big sis to dragonkid! and i feel like even though sometimes her emotions get the better of her, she is one of the most reliable in the whole group. she was the first one who thought to believe in Kotetsu when their memories were released, and also the first one to declare that she would not press the button on the neck device and believe in T&B. ;v; such a good girl.
- origami riding on his spinning shuriken!!! also 神 word appearing when he tried to release an attack with his nano katana!!! *0* major love from origami fan.
- Agnes ktkr!!!! she really is a smart woman who knows how to play her cards well. yoku yatta! yatta zo, yoku!!!
- how dare maverick take kaede hostage!!! get your hands off her!!
- Kotetsu has returned from the depths of hell!!! YES!!!!
- omg bunny get your hands off kotetsu D: kaede and blue rose crying while hugging kotetsu is so cute!!! ><
- i felt a bit sorry for maverick. actually thought what he said about how "justice shines even more when there is evil around" is rather true :/
  ouroboros must be a very tight group with a clear goal that people like kreme and maverick are willing to sacrifice their lives and memories for D:
- kaede finally says kotetsu is cool!! yokatta ne kotetsu! ;A;
- and what's with bunny saying he wants to quit along with kotetsu =_= he's always been all "i can do this alone, leave me alone", can't help but feel he   
  doesn't have a strong will. and that they are selling the whole bunnyxkotetsu thing too much. yuck. =_=
- 1 yr later!!! paolin in dress so cute!!! origami visiting edward in jail!!! <3 <3 gossan desu! Σ(°▽°)
- ok barnaby is cute to miss his parents so much, and i feel sorry for his plight, but i still cant take a liking to him.
- tiger comes back as a hero!!! <3 <3
- Ben's "Saitou-chan" LOL
- then bunny has to come back too omg =_= i guess if he doesnt come back the program title will have to change, but still that isnt a very satisfying reason for me D:
- cheered at the part where bunny calls Kotetsu "ojisan", cuz I was a little irritated with the whole "Kotetsu-san" calling. =_= It just points at THAT direction, and omg if he calls Kotetsu by name when he is in a suit, doesn't that give Wild Tiger's identity away?! lol use that head of yours Bunny!!!
- congrats on second season / movie!!
- yeay to more T&B events coming up! :D

I hope the second season focuses on Tiger, Tomoe, Ouroboros & Lunatic more.
But the real killer of Bunny's parents hasn't been made clear yet right... Can we just brush it off as Maverick and move on to more Kotetsu + other characters please? ><

We were given about half an hour's break before continuing with the second half. And during that break time, OzakiP went around all the theatres in the same building to give his thanks to the audience!!!
soujou and I were relaxing in our seats finding a good time to go to the toilets when someone in Kotetsu gear came walking in.
I totally screamed xDDD The whole theatre cheered and clapped as he gave his thanks. He doesn't have to circle all the theatres but it was so nice of him to do so ;v; You could feel his sincerity!  

3:15am on was just a marathon of the select episodes by the staff.
1. The ep where Kotetsu and Barnaby work on diffusing the bomb on the lift. The first time they actually showed that they could work as a pair. I think somewhere in the middle Kotetsu said that he didn't trust Barnaby. Gotta rewatch the whole series and listen to all these lines to better observe the change in their partnership ><
2. Bunny's birthday episode. Skyhigh so cute ;v;
3. Skyhigh's episode 15. Skyhigh ;v; My KOH forever...
4. Kotetsu falsely accused and running from the heroes. That last scene on top of the building? Where the heroes jump down from the helicopter and the camera pans from hero to hero? ON THE BIG SCREEN?! omg goosebumps thx!!! ;v;v;v;v;v;v; 胸熱!!!!
5. Episode 25 again, this time without the twitter #tigerbunny TL taking up 1/4 of the screen xD

We ended the the whole session with the staff saying "arigatou, soshite" and the audience going "arigatou!!!" we weren't asked to do skyhigh's hand action thingy, but more than half of the people in my cinema did xDDDD everyone has been secretly practising at home HAH! and i'm not the only one HAH! xDD

Also, from T&B twitter account:

I kinda like OzakiP but he isn't in the photo ;v; I think it's cuz he was taking the picture ;v;
Otsukare-sama deshita!!! Really grateful to the staff for creating such an amazing anime! Looking forward to more T&B~ ^_^

© 2011 - 2024 gk-reiko
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inutsuzuki's avatar
Thank you SOO much for posting this. I'm glad you had fun and I'm envious you got to be a part of this!!